There’s this cute guy who loves to yodel
His smile is just to die for
He grins, and I pray
Austrians have ‘this way’
His glossy lips are my inspiration
To waltz the rhythm of our tongues
Oh God, here’s my chance
To share his horizontal dance
Just make love to me now
Come rock my foundations to the very core
Just make love to me now
Swivel those snake hips, I need so much more
Oh yes, oh yes
Like that, I like it I will be your moll
Oh ja, oh ja,
So gut, das ist so wundervoll!
His loving leaves me hot and breathless
The neighbours can vouch I am sure
This guy with me
Together we are poetry
When he’s fulfilled he loves to yodel
His (hodl-o-ii-dii) sounds so sweet
How, he’s won my heart
I pray we’ll never part
Just make love to me now
Come rock my foundations to the very core
Just make love to me now
Swivel those snake hips, I need so much more
Oh yes, oh yes
Like that, oh yeah we can go so far
Oh ja, oh ja
So gut, das ist so wunderbar
So good
So good, he makes me feel so very good
Oh ja, oh ja
So gut, mein Gott ich fuhle so gut
So good, so good
Oh yes, oh yes
So gut, so gut
Oh ja, Oh ja!