Blind is the world, smelly thing
They could never see your charm
Don't be so down because I know
That you're more than just a fart
Flying like a feather
Flying like a feather
Flying like a feather
Fans are your en'mies smelly thing
They will only do you harm
Don't stray away into the fire
For its flames are far too warm
For your sweet aroma
For your sweet aroma
For your sweet aroma
Fart in the wind, the sight is no hint
To what you can do without a poo
Slowly you creep, the smell it will keep, your odour will seep deep
Hell is no match to your ordeal
No-one knows what you've been through
Nipped in the butt but you escaped
Others' end came much too soon
Vanished into silence
Vanished into silence
Vanished into silence
Fart in the wind, the sight is no hint
To what you can do without a poo
Slowly you creep, the smell it will keep, your odour will seep deep
Fart in the wind, the sight is no hint
To what you can do without a poo
Slowly you creep, the smell it will keep, your odour will seep deep