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7) Mikko

Based on: Portugal 07 (Portuguese version)


That man there’s called Mikko – feel like wonder, amen, ‘lujah
Help a metal father, and see Hanna’s flirty mural
These are mellow pendules, guess a crash will stew their map
I’ll tell a silken cheerer, get a stool – they get a man, a man!

That man’s called Mikko, cue truer Sakis guy on screen
Thanks, Uncle Mikko, I really wanna join your team
Hot sun, cool Mikko, take me to Brussels or your bar
Tanned, supple Mikko, a double doer, sole and marred

‘Tasja Crøne howls and can trample over tea
The pitbull has a gear, elks and students have their meal
Hanna met a deer, humour loose and human row
Hanna harmed an ear, humour forcer – “yeah my show, my show!”

Masha could mingle, and Anders Lundin had the sheen
Pasha’s still single and Kattis Ahlström reigned supreme
Anneli Peebo worked well with Marko in Suurhall
In Baku, Mikko will be returning as the star

Dad’s apple, Mikko, your truer Sakis man on screen
God’s sake, poor Mikko, so you deserve a tear, it seems
Dance, action chico, connect some rattles to your car
Ransack your vehicle, and toot at her, your solo Ma

Svante Co., T-Com may make so sure the votes are clean
Balzac or Ginkgo always ensures that deer are seen
Tension in greenroom, without the brussels, soup or yam
That man called Mikko, always so true and smart on cam

Dissect your beagle


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