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Semi 2

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Semi 2 Mp3s: unbase or sendspace zip, or esnips


19) Murdersong

(A 3 minute summary of a 5 hour show)

Based on: Malta 02 7th Wonder


Eight forty five

I’ve waited enough

Nearly going crazy for the show to begin


Eight fifty five

Transmission starts

And the hosting couple now appear on the stage


When the singing has started and the music is heard

I’m already put off with these old fashioned songs


It’s so yuck, it’s so bad

This is simply Murdersong

Is this truly their best?

And this webstream is so crap

How unbearable, ridiculous, senseless? I wonder

How do they always manage all this blunder?

Yuu uuu…uuu… uck..


Two hours gone into the show

And only half the songs were sung till now as I wait

Slowly I face, the tenth interval

Which consists of endless sponsor advert re-runs.


My patience wanes and I’m eager to leave

I’m relieved when at last the next song is over


But alas, What happened?

I can’t hear a damn thing

Oh.. I see, poor singer

Microphone refused to work

Is it habitually, purposely, technically? I wonder

Why the devil do they thrive on blunder


And when time comes for public to vote

The true nightmare turns into reality

Reality, reality


Oh no! What’s gone wrong?

There are no results on time

How can it ever be

That the counting system failed

(Is this purposely?) Magical

(Logical, natural? I wonder)

They now prolonged the show by 30 minutes


But at last, here it comes

A white envelope on stage

After this interval

Now the winner is announced

Is this magical, farcical, dazzling? I wonder

Oh god they chose quite the cheesiest number

(Is the diction a pathetic affair)


(Is this real or man-made affair)



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