All the girls are feeling that they’re down in the dumps
Poor Miss Fiji thinks she’s caught the mumps
In between the bitching and the full-blown rows
They’re acting like cows
Pigging out like sows
I’m your beauty queen tonight
All my rivals are full of fright
Well the lights are on
But there is nobody home
I’m your beauty queen tonight
Lycra strings done up really tight
Pick me, ‘cause I am out of sight
Poor Miss Greece is being sick as she’s had a few
Then Miss Nepal’s missing Kathmandu
And is Miss Bulgaria just round the bend?
I can see a trend
Oh where will it end?
I’m your beauty queen tonight
All my rivals are full of fright
Well the lights are on
But there is nobody home
I’m your beauty queen tonight
Lycra strings done up really tight
Pick me, ‘cause I am out of sight
One more smile that’s blinding
No more voting, to me the crown
Besides with our host I slept - last night
I’m your beauty queen tonight
All my rivals are full of fright
Well the lights are on
But there is nobody home
I’m your beauty queen tonight
Lycra strings done up really tight
Pick me, ‘cause I am out of sight
Oh ‘cause I’m your beauty queen tonight!