

(1) My Wife, The Lez

Based on: Iceland 2009 - Is It True?



You say that muff is holy
That penises are faulty
They leave you dry
You say I have no humour
Boys are fake and clueless
Now you’re into pie 
Pawning out all your jewelry
Buying all kinds of tools

Is it Sue?
Is it Olga?
Is it Beth, Pam
Or Faye?

Never knew
That at thirty
You would tell me
You’re gay

Now you’re butch and moody
Looking like that KD
Think the last name’s Lang
Thought my ears were lying
When you asked how wide it
Is between her legs
Now you’re part of Martina’s team
And my nuts are all blue

Is it Ruth?
Is it Norma?
Is it Rose, Jen
Or Mae?

Look at you
Got a Harley
Bet the dykes are

Under cover
And so truly ashamed
Such a hoot
All my friends joke
That I turn women
To gay

(Now I’m screaming)
Got a text yes-ter-day
That it’s true
It’s my sister
And you’re getting married
In May

Oh mon Dieu






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