

20) Letter By Letter

Based on: Lithuania 2005 - Little By Little


English class's boring
So I'm still 'Coring'
I not adoring
All rules of grammar
You laugh at my accent
So I started to learn
You know, it's not easy
So your ears still may burn...
Ooh... Letter by letter
I'm getting close to ze sound
but zere's a "TH"...
It's somezing I just can't pronunce
Vowel by vowel
A E and arghhh... I forgot
Khard to remember
I'll start again from anew...
Zere is confusion
It ain't my decision
I don't know ze reason
Zat's inside my mind
I'll know English someday
So maybe I still khave khope
And I don't care 'bout zat
I'm from Eastern Europe
Ooh... Letter by letter
I'm getting close to ze sound
But khere's Double-U...
Anozer zing I can't pronunce
Vovel by vovel
A E and O... Just zree more
I can't remember
I'll start again from anew

Ooh... Letter by letter...

Ooh... Letter by letter
I'm getting close to ze sound
But even "H"es
Are letters I just can't pronunce

Vovel by vovel
A E and Ohh... I give up
I'll study German
Or Spanish or French, or Hebrew


bak semi1moar