

22) Butterface

Based on: Belarus 2010 - Butterflies



I'm gonna tell you 'bout a girl I know
A perfect body from a pageant show
She spends her time at the gym, working out
Swimsuit model, all is perfect, almost perfect

But she's a butterface, body smoking hot
Regrettably her face is really not
Crooked nose that points out to the right
And teeth that point in
more directions than her cross-eyed glance can

A monobrow so big it needs a mow
and droopy eyelids make it seem to grow
And her skin kinda looks like cookie dough
Nasal hair growth, lots of ear hair, and a moustache

Cause she's a butterface, body smoking hot
Regrettably her face is really not
Ears are huge, and stretch to either side
Her nose is so wide
it is used as landing space for small birds

And she's a butterface, seems to strange to us (to us)
but she would make Picasso envious (envious, chin so small)
Chin so small and jaw so undershot
her neck is short so
it looks like her head is screwed
right on directly on her, torso


