02) Mélancolie
Based on Monaco 1963 - L'amour s'en va
I'm waking up, half past 10, in my bed, undressed.
First cigarette, I've wet my bed, or that's my sweat, ah well ...
Oh where's my cat? Still in my bed, shouting her name.
Mélancolie, you're so fat, crème brûlée, même ...
I hear a scream, in avenou, of Saint-Denis,
I see a truck, and there's my cat lying there.
My cat is dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Where's her head? Oh there ...
Oh crazy day, pussy's dead and driver killed himself.
Mélancolie, ah c'est la vie mon grand chérie.
Last cigarret, lack of flakes, off to bed, depressed ...