9) A Hug For The Lonely
Based on Israel 2002 - Light A Candle
In the world today, so cruel and bad,
A minority is ostracized. It makes me so sad.
Luckily they number few – no more than two percent.
But I have a plan. A plan that we can
Execute to ease their loneliness – Yes!
Hug a Ginger.
Hug a Ginger with me.
Just take a Ginger in our arms.
We’ll come to no real harm.
Stop the sniggers.
Hug a Ginger warmly.
Embrace a Ginger. It’s not hard.
We’ll all wash afterwards.
Kiss a freckle-face in a gay bar.
Give it Ginger-Snaps to eat – they are cheap in the Spar.
Take Old Rusty to the zoo to watch Orang-utans.
Buy a Jaffa Flaps a can of Fanta.
A simple way to spread some happiness – Yes!
Hug a Ginger.
Hug a Ginger with me.
You’ll catch a Ginger in the dark.
Their heads glow up like sparks.
Hug a Ginger.
Hug an Orphan Annie.
Don’t point the finger. Wrap your arms
Around a Gingus Khan.
Hug all the Gingers.
We’ll hug the Gingers – not just stare.
Then afterwards we’ll wash our hands
And point and laugh at them again!
Hug a Ginger.
Hug a Ginger with me.
Just take a Ginger in our arms.
We’ll come to no real harm.
Understand they’re
Genetically afflicted.
This segregation isn’t smart.
Those Gingers have a heart!