18) Shadow Puppets
Based on Finland 2012 - När jag blundar
Late in day
Husband's still at work
When is he home?
I'm long done with my chores
Bored and impatient
How to have a true fun day?
So I turn up a lantern, and then let my fingers loose
Soon leaps on the far wall a grey kangaroo
Now I'll send in a cougar, sneaking up from the floor
Legs and tail made of my fingers, and the eye's just a hole
Sharks take an effort, for their tail I use my foot
This leaves me unbalanced, but what can I do?
Now a palm faced up, curled fingers, behold - it's a moose
Then a finger through the centre, that's 'cause I love hunting moose
Set's all made
Of wall and my hands
Perhaps it's time to let
The props list expand
Aluminium foil, a cutting tool and clay
So I shape up new patterns, summer vegetables and fruit
Then weave up a wire, a basket of food
Now some sellotaped blue jar to twin engines from corn
Make an aeroplane as soon as wings of paper are formed
Child made of chessboard, a tomato and two boots
A leek forms his mother - her hair's spiky glued
Next a glamorous shade figure of me made of wood
Not so fat as I'm in real life, on the wall I look so good
Second shadow is brought in, someone masculine and crude
The dreamy young plumber, who once fixed the loo
I can sense him come closer to the me on the wall
I feel sweat and start to shiver when confronting the dolls
Just as he touched her, I heard tapping steps of shoes
It's clearly my husband - oh damn, what to do?
I must hide all that I played with, he's soon in the room
This will be my little secret, normal service is resumed.