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You're Such a Bad Friend

Based on UK 1967 - Puppet on a String

I wonder if one day that you'll show that you care
You've been treating me so badly, I sadly despair
You're a selfish little thing

You got onto the merry-go-round
On our day out at the fair
You fell off, broke your bones, hit the ground
Your blood sprayed on my hair
Made my perm go all wrong
You careless, self-obsessed mong

I hear that your man Christoff has run off with Claire
And they say you're hurting badly, I sadly don't care:
I'm too busy sunbathing

Let's meet up, we must talk about
The guy that I'm dating
I find out that you cannot come out
Due to one little thing:
You have died of bird flu
How very selfish of you

I don't care if you're dying, or trying to care
For your newborn baby Bradley, I sadly despair:
You won't nurse my nettle stings

I wonder if one day that you'll show that you care
You've been treating me so badly, I sadly despair
You're a selfish little thing

You're a selfish little


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