Robin and her Marion
Based on Spain 1984 - Lady Lady
Once upon a time
in old Nottingham
there once lived two girls
in love and in a jam
Robin was so butch (Robin was so butch)
she sure looked like a bloke
and Marion was a "femme" (and Marion was a "femme")
all woman, but a dyke
Robin and her Marion
had trouble with sheriff and the church
only priest that said "aye"
was that old fairy friar Tuck
and their struggle to become one
is wellknown but with a small twist
Robin and her Marion
changed into man and his woman
when their lifestory was written down
It was not that hard
to find a lot of friends
yes most said with a shrug
"Who cares if they lick rug?"
So Robin joined a gang (so Robin joined a gang)
and helped them with their cause
in return she did earn (in return she did earn)
the right to be a man
Robin and her Marion
they stole from the rich gave to the poor
Robin tough as a man
earned the respect reserved to blokes
when the rightful king returned home
he allowed them to become one
Robin and her Marion
the king had no problem with their love
and they could get married
thanks to the king (a closet case)
But the one that wrote it all down
had to be morally correct
Robin and her Marion
changed into man and his woman
when their lifestory was written down
Robin and her Marion
a butch and a femme so deep in love
who cares what they were, that they licked rug
Robin and her Marion!
Get pirate downloads of all the original mp3s for Semi 3 at these links thar:
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