

(17) It's Just Not Fair

Based on: UK 1970 - Knock, Knock, Who's There?



Sandie Shaw answered her nation’s call
She really showed them all, and proved a winner.
Plenty more, they knew the way to score,
But, since Katrina’s win, it’s been a sad, sad story.

It’s just not fair!
We don’t have any skaters.
In this we truly must confide.
It’s just not fair!
Even our neighbours hate us!
We hope the jury’s on our side!

Then Jade tried, with Webber there to guide,
And so our loss defied investigation.
Let’s not mope, because there’s always hope
As there’s a man we know at our ESCnation!

It’s just not fair!
We don’t have any skaters.
In this we truly must confide.
It’s just not fair!
Even our neighbours hate us!
We hope the jury’s on our side!

Drew Drew Drew, Drew Drew Drew Drew Drew Drew
Drew Drew Drew Drew Drew Drew, Drew Drew Drew Drew Drew
Drew Drew Drew, Drew Drew Drew Drew Drew Drew
Drew Drew Drew Drew Drew Drew, Drew Drew Drew Drew Drew

Plenty more, they knew the way to score,
But, since Katrina’s win, it’s been a sad, sad story.

It’s just not fair!
We don’t have any skaters.
In this we truly must confide.
It’s just not fair!
Even our neighbours hate us!
We hope the jury’s on our side!

(Our side)

We hope the jury’s on our side!

(Ta ra ra tara, ta ra ra tara, ta ra ra tara ra    Boom! Boom!)






Download the original mp3s for Semi 1: (YSI)

imeem (streams, you have to register)