We are not here to kickstart a career
There’ll be no verbal diarrhoea
Željko, Velimir, Andrija
Vote for me, Miha!
Iva, Muhise, Gunesh, Katarina
From Brno, Smolensk or Priština
If you live in Bern or Riga
Vote pro patria!
Albania, Romania
You need votes from afar
So mobilise your residents in Greece and Moldova
Let them know you need them, let this be a call to arms
So Sverige, Bulgaria
Vote for Cro-a-ti-a!
And let it be a vote for us instead of Serbia
They’re not in our semi, there’s no Macedonia
We are not as naive as we appe-ar
All of those phone cards cost us de-ar
Anna, Nina, Zvonimira
Vote for me, Vera!
Armenia, Slovenia
We need votes from afar
Let’s mobilise our residents in Belgium’n Austria
Let them know they need to televote on our number
So Bosnia-Herz'govina
Vote for Cro-a-ti-a!
From Podgorica to Skopje and north to Ljubljana
Come together in the former Yugoslavia