Datez an Tiemz (Schedule)
Dates subject to change. Please let me know if there are any major issues for you with the schedule.
Time (CET)
19/07/10 |
15:00:00 |
Submission Deadline
22/07/10 |
19:00:00 |
Opening Ceremony |
22/07/10 |
20:00:00 |
Semi 1 |
24/07/10 |
20:00:00 |
Semi 2 |
26/07/10 |
23:59:59 |
Voting Semi 1 Closes |
27/07/10 |
20:00:00 |
Semi 3 |
28/07/10 |
23:59:59 |
Voting Semi 2 Closes |
29/07/10 |
20:00:00 |
Semi 4 |
31/07/10 |
23:59:59 |
Voting Semi 3 Closes |
02/08/10 |
23:59:59 |
Voting Semi 4 Closes |
03/08/10 |
20:00:00 |
Semi 1 Qualifiers Show |
03/08/10 |
20:45:00 |
Semi 2 Qualifiers Show |
03/08/10 |
21:30:00 |
Semi 3 Qualfiers Show |
03/08/10 |
22:15:00 |
Semi 4 Qualifiers Show |
03/08/10 |
22:30:00 |
Alphabetical List of Qualifiers Revealed |
04/08/10 |
20:00:00 |
15/08/10 |
23:59:59 |
Final voting closes |
16/08/10 |
20:00:00 |
Writer Revelation |
17/08/10 |
20:00:00 |
Voting Day 1 - (Non-Finalists) |
Alexander-NL |
Amutrejk |
Asterios |
Bobbo |
Boris |
Catherine of Aragon |
Costas |
Dimi |
Felix |
Giannis |
Ivani |
Jahner |
Jordy |
[PL] |
Puddleduck |
RobAUS |
scami |
Spencer |
TenT |
Thomas |
18/08/10 |
20:00:00 |
Voting Day 2 |
Jonas |
Pete D |
Esker |
phutty |
Martin-DK |
Frank |
MartinF |
carly |
Rich |
Timoteus |
Roger |
jaymakk |
Oliver |
Jeremy |
Nick D |
19/08/10 |
20:00:00 |
Voting Day 3 and Closing Ceremonies |
Yair |
arcticandy |
wahoowa |
Arvid |
Non-Participant Jury |
Closing Ceremony Part 1 (EC Reprise) |
Closing Ceremony Part 2 (Winning Reprise) |