


Based on: Bulgaria 2008 - DJ, Taje Me Away


When you need to write a reprise
But you’ve nothing new to say
Select a song that gives you real ease:
“DJ, Please Take Me Away!”

It allows you to be grateful
For the votes that came your way
While shirking work that may be hateful
And a welcome overstayed

ALC DJ, take it away!
No lyrics today - just let it play

(Martin F executes a Harry Hill from LT United-style dance interlude, sadly not
captured on camera)

Though amazing and exalting
To again have won the day
All this excitement is exhausting
So this lesson I convey:

If you need a contribution
And you like the lazy way
Go for the easiest solution:
“DJ, Please Take Me Away!”

ALC DJ, take it away!
No lyrics today - just let it play

Hip hip hooray!