alc logo title

Semi 1

Song 4

Based on:Alvedansen (Nor 06)

alc logo title

Haja... ha haja... haja...
La meg inn på toalettet

Bars are packed, it's hot in the town
Sixteen pints might just cool me down
Far too soon though I'm shocked to find
All toilets occupied

Haja... ha haja... haja...
La meg inn på toalettet
Haja... ha haja... haja...
I can't really hold it more

Bar-top dance, I'll give it a try
That's my chance to stay ladylike
No one knows I just need to pee
When I play suggestive

Haja... ha haja... haja...
La meg inn på toalettet
Haja... ha haja... haja...
I am running out the door

Out of time, out of options
I raise my skirt right on the street

Haja... ha haja... haja...
Idiot på toalettet
Haja... ha haja... haja...
Judo fight is waiting you!
