Everybody had a dream,
To come to Athens and win,
But our hopes were sadly killed
In that finals reality,
We knew a dream was not enough
There was so much we got to do,
Like sleep around,
With stand-by juries in various tours,
But nothing worked, and at the end.
We bombed big time,
Here is no pretend,
Now we run and hide.
From Siegel's pit-bull friend,
If you all gave a little, if you all gave a little,
From your votes, our lives,
Would be a safer place,
If you all gave a little,
We wouldn't run from that German freak,
But now thanks to you,
We live like fugitives,
We gave you a heart-breaking tune,
We sold you words of peace and love,
But you, our expected idiots,
Were more clever then we thought,
All countries should have voted us,
But you psychos voted demon freaks,
God bless the dear Maltese,
Rot in hell you deviant Greeks,
If you just asked, we've showed you more,
Of flesh and skin, or butt you know,
No Tinas or Stiklas,
Would match Tinka's stripping-show
If you all gave a little,
If you all gave a little,
From your votes,
Our lives would be a safer place,
If you all gave a little,
You would spare us from that freak,
But now thanks to you,
We live like fugitives,
If you all gave a little,
Just a generous big little,
We would live freeeeeeeeeeee!