Having some ALC cold feet? So, you're thinking about entering ALC. Or just have an idea that seems fun, but actually entering it isn't even an option. But why not, really? What's stopping you? "I'm afraid of how it will be received" "I'm afraid of bad results or not making the final" "I'm not a native English speaker" Well, neither am I (or Jonas, or Frank, or others who have done well). And neither are most voters, who will probably not judge your entry to higher standards than their own. And many will be happy to not have to use the dictionary to understand every other word in your lyric - so not being overly proficient is sometimes an advantage. "I don't have a lot of time" You're right - time is probably the key factor in doing well. But as long as you gave your lyric some kind of effort, it will be appreciated. Trust me - it's very easy to tell those lyrics that were done in 5 minutes with no effort or care whatsoever, and if you're reading this letter as far as here, your entry isn't going to be one of those. "Harrow might not allow me to enter an 18-minute video, multi-formatted HTML with pyro, LED and live animals" OK, if that's the kind of idea you have, maybe you shouldn't enter. So dive into your ideas and let the rest of us enjoy them too! If you need help on how to execute them, some tips given in previous years (e.g. ) can get you started. Yami :) |
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